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Just Keep Swimming

So. We are a little over a month into quarantine and the fun of dealing with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. How's everyone holding up? I hope well, but if I am totally honest, this is one of the most challenging times of my life. I'm sure we are all likely in the the same boat and just trying to figure out how to make it through one day at a time. I never realized how much the simple luxuries and freedoms of life meant to me until I was not allowed to have them for a while. I mean simple stuff like visiting my friends and family, going to the movies, or even going into the store to make groceries...I miss it all. And to top it off, the emotional and mental toll that this experience is taking is almost unbearable at times. I think right now, in my home, we are averaging about 1 angry outburst and 1 semi- to full meltdown per day....and that's just mommy. LOL. It's hard. Period. And anyone who says differently is either in total denial, lying through their pearly whites, or in an altered state that allows them to more easily manage it all. But, after a month of trying to figure it out, manage it all, keep my composure, and not get overwhelmed, there is one fact that I have found helps me the most. Nothing in life is permanent except death and I am still alive and, just keep swimming. It seems so simple, but this is a storm...It is a test...It is a tough moment. But, historically, do we stay there in the middle of those circumstances because we feel overwhelmed? No! We keep pushing through....we just keep swimming.

Those who are still having to go out everyday because you are working from your job site and those who are trying to maneuver working from home....just keep swimming.

Those who are able to use this time to pursue new endeavors and those who can only manage to transfer from the bed to the couch each day....just keep swimming.

Those who are finding light and rest in this time and those who are battling even more than ever to keep depression and anxiety at bay...just keep swimming.

Those who are able to effectively manage their children's educational needs at home and those who are only able to ensure their kids are fed and stay alive....just keep swimming.

Those who are stuck in the house totally alone and those who are stuck in the house with folks they wish they could escape from....just keep swimming.

Those who have effective coping skills to help get through this time and those who have unhealthy coping skills....just keep swimming.

Those who have the energy to check in on those in their world and those who only have the energy to keep themselves afloat one more day....just keep swimming.

Those who have not lacked any needs thus far and those who are trying to figure out how to get by....just keep swimming.

We are all, every single one of us, just trying to figure out how to get through this with as much sanity as possible. We are all in the same boat rowing. We are all living in a moment in history that none of us has seen in our lifetime. But, on the other side of this, I pray, we will all be better people for it. That doesn't mean we will all walk away with a new skill or business or grand epiphany. But, hopefully it means that we will all walk away with a new lease on life and a new perspective on what really matters. It's hard right now, but tough times don't last....tough people do. So, just keep swimming! And while you are swimming, allow yourself and others some grace. I stand firm on the belief that there is something beautiful waiting on the other side of this. My faith guarantees it!

Light and Love....

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